Thursday 3 January 2013

Happy New Year

A year ago today, I was a different person. As is everyone. Many become rather reflective at this time of year. You look back at everything that's happened and it's always a surprise as to how much has happened and changed that you didn't realise before. No matter how you spent it, 2012 was probably more significant in everyone's life than you probably realise. And it's bad idea to begin a new year thinking it'll be better than the last one; don't be so competitive. Every year in your life is far too different to compare. Memories, like a fine wine, grow better with age. You choose to remember the good times better than they actually were and conveniently forget the negative aspects. So, in reality, it's not likely your 2010 or '11 was better than your 2012. Best to embrace each year for the chapter it was in your life. What you've done, where you've been, what and who you know are all questions that might take longer to answer than you think.

I, personally, still being new to university and London at this time last year, have met so many fresh faces. I genuinely would struggle to find a number. It's been a rather emotional roller coaster; although I've gained a lot of people in my life I've also lost several...some I daresay for the better! Against the opinion of several I decided to change my university course and it was definitely the right decision. I've seen some great acts, travelled slightly and definitely found a year's worth of amazing music.

While you ponder on these bleak January days you might find you want to lose weight, realise you've got a paper Everest awaiting you imminently or you could be worrying that it's too late to build those bridges wherever they are in your life, but it's all repairable, replaceable, do-able in some way shape or form. Good luck with those resolutions. If you're successful in completing them then congratulations, you really must have wanted them; if you're not then don't worry - they're probably only trivial and life can't be that bad with those problems. Life is never as bad as it seems and, in the wise words of my Grandfather, "Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday, and it never happened".

Happy New Year everyone; make some memories.

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